Reddish Demolition Ltd is committed to defining our position as a nationwide demolition contractor and understanding how relevant factors arising from legal, technological, competitive influence our strategic direction and our organisation context. We identify, analyse, monitor and review these factors to ensure satisfaction from all interested parties including clients, neighbours, occupiers.
It has been determined that our internal issues are our employees, performance, capacity, innovation and knowledge. Our external issues identified are clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, competitors, regulatory and statutory authorities.
To ensure that our SHEQ Management System is aligned with our demolition company strategy we take into account relevant internal and external factors we collate and analyse the information to determine if it has a potential impact on our context and business strategy. We have a proactive monitoring system which enables us as demolition contractors to obtain full satisfaction from all interested parties. Many of our clients have been with us for over 30 years.
The Company Directors during our management reviews review the internal and external information concerning our customers and external providers. Our systems are designed around the ” Plan – Do – Check – Act” cycle.
Every demolition project we are involved with is subject to a planning phase and identification of interested parties is vital durng this stage. The site specific method statement/risk assessments will ensure that interested parties requirements are clearly defined and that significant environmental impacts and health and safety issues are identified and addressed. These will be communicated to all necessary parties including client, employees, sub-contractors, regulatory bodies and local neighbours.
Communication throughout the life of the project to all interested parties is always maintained. Our demolition work is carried out in accordance with the tender documents; specification and conditions of contract and includes compliance with current CDM, Legislation, Best Practice and Code of Practice.