Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and Safety is our number one priority and at the forefront of everything we do. Not only do we have a legal obligation to ensure that our work is carried out in a safe environment, but we also have a moral obligation to ensure that all our employees return home safely every day and that our demolition works do not effect or cause harm to our sub-contractors and members of the public.

All our Method Statement/Risk Assessments are specific to the individual projects and are written by our Contracts Manager & Managing Director. The allocated site manager will then visit site prior to our works commencing with the Method Statement/Risk assessment to approve the proposed safe system of work. Any amendments that maybe required the document will be revised, in the event of any unforeseen work an addendum will be produced and approved. Procedures in place throughout the life of the demolition contract to continually review and monitor the safe system of work including continual communication with the workforce, subcontractors, adjoining owners and members of the public.

Soft Strip Projects
Machine Demolition
Demolition in Bolton
Metal Box Project
Sun Works Site in Sandbach
Site Clearance
Good housekeeping

During our works it is always our objective to have zero impact on all stakeholders concerned so communication with neighbours is vital in order to complete a successful project with no non-conformances arising.

In addition to our in house Health & Safety department we have external advisors that alert us to any legislation changes or impending changes. This allows Reddish Demolition to adapt with fluidity to any changes. Our documented procedures ensure we meet the requirements of BS ISO 45001:2018, current legislation, best practice including those of the National Federation of Demolition Contractors. 

All our site personnel are CCDO card holders and our plant operator employees are CPCS card holders. We have documented training and development procedures in place for all our employees to ensure all training and qualifications remain valid.